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Virtual Sale

mom2mom to go

Get ready to:

-upload items from your bed, you only tag what sells


-no dealing with strangers coming to your house


-no negotiating prices


-get paid within two weeks after the sale ends


-shop a presale and beat the public


-sell MORE than at our in person events-now accepting ADULT clothing and more.

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How will it work?



-Pay the $10 registration fee at via Registration/Log-in tab

(consignor fees are non-refundable)


-Enter your items, prices, and a picture of each item by 9 p.m. the day before the sale starts  (NO!  You don’t print tags yet!) You may now sell up to 400 items!)


-See schedule for specific dates


-We will set up a Shopify store with all of the items for sale.


-YOU shop the presale at on Thursday 8 a.m. til 2 p.m.

(a code will be emailed to you 30 minutes before the presale opens)


-Opens to the Public Thursday of the date of the sale


-Sale will reopen Saturday, 9 a.m. til 9 p.m. for half-price day


-Consignors will drop off sold items the next Thursday (10 a.m.-7 p.m.) & Friday  (noon-4 p.m.) 


-Buyer Pick Up Day will be Saturday 9 a.m.-noon.


-Once the sale is over, you will ONLY tag the items that SOLD.


-We will mail you a check within 2 weeks for what you sold.  YOU earn 70% of the selling price, just like at an “in-person” sale.



-Log on to on the date of the sale to shop


-You can type in specific things you are looking for such as “boy’s shirt size 2T”.  The system will show you all items for sale at that time.


-Choose your items, pay for them online at that time.


-Pick up your purchases without leaving your car on the last Saturday of the sale.

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